Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Usage of Properties file

This demonstrates the usage of Properties file where the commom values used through out the project can be stored.

package com.mahesh.struts;

import java.util.ResourceBundle;

public class ResourceManager {
private static ResourceBundle bundle=ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.mahesh.struts.

public static String getString(String key){
return bundle.getString(key)


com.mahesh.struts.ApplicationResources => This is a simple file having key-value pairs. The value can be retrieved from it using the key. The value can be retrieved using the "getString(key)" method.

The key-value pairs will be written in "com.mahesh.struts.ApplicationResources" is as shown below,

The values are retrieved using the key as shown below,

String driverClass = ResourceManager.getString("database.driver");

String dbUrl = ResourceManager.getString("database.url");

String dbUser = ResourceManager.getString("database.user");

String dbPassword = ResourceManager.getString("database.password");

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